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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Got a backbone?

Earlier, I posted about those lame hipster developers, as I call them. Mainly, I just find it a little hard to believe that anyone can create a truly scalable JavaScript app using node.

Recently I stumbled into Backbone (or rather I kept on hearing about it and finally checked it out). Backbone is a bare bones MVC framework for JavaScript that is meant to help give your JavaScript apps structure without weighing them down. Also, more important, is that Backbone is by no means mutually exclusive with jQuery. Actually they compliment each other quite nicely.

Back to those hipster developers. I don't often like to admit that a badly dressed 20-year-old can be right, and I still won't go so far as saying node.js is really a presentable solution for anything on the server, but the fact that they're expanding the infrastructure around JavaScript is really pushing me to think about how I can evolve my own .NET work. For me, Backbone is where it starts.

An Answer to Uncontrollably Messy JavaScript
I've written a lot of pages with big long blocks of jQuery chains and anonymous functions. It's such a huge pain to maintain or refactor that I sometimes end up rewriting. Part of the problem is just simply that the code is messy. But even when I break it down into smaller nugget sized functions I still have a fist-full of spaghetti code that is prone to unchecked regressions. I definitely need to test my code but

Backbone lets you organize your code into Models, Views and Controllers and Collections. If you go all the way with Backbone, you're going to be creating pageless apps where you load the page the first time, and you never reload the page (like GMail). Everything is data fed to the page via JSON services. Controllers let you bind bookmarks to functions (i.e. when a link gets clicked where href="#!/inbox" the link gets routed to an inbox function and handled there). Views bind models to HTML. They also keep the models bound to the HTML, so when newer fresher data arrives, the models are rebound to the page where necessary.

By modularizing code according to the MVC pattern, unit testing becomes significantly easier. Most of your normal issues like mocking the DOM & XHR become less important because your code is broken into smaller pieces. Besides being easier to test, it's just plain easier to understand also.

When testing, if you do require mocking facilities, I've heard that SinonJS is excellent for all types of mocking, and comes with built in server & XHR mocks. Also, a coworker is pushing me towards Behavior Driven Development and so Jasmine is a natural winner for a test framework.

I've heard people stress that Backbone is for web applications, not web sites. But at the same time, I don't think you need to go completely single-page to use Backbone either. In .NET, I don't really want to go single-page because MVC provides so much. But some of my pages that involve several page states could be dramatically simplified with an MVC approach. At bare minimum, I want to be able to simplify and test my client-side logic.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Introducing NetLint

Last week our QA guys wrote up a bug that one of our new pages wasn't working. After a little investigation I figured out it was just a JavaScript file that was inadvertently merged out of existence while resolving merge conflicts. We also had something like this happen where the app would run locally on developer boxes but would fail miserably when we deployed to the test environment.

I don't really like giving the QA guys an excuse to blemish my reputation with bug reports, so I threw together a little tool to prevent this from ever happening again. Enter NetLint...

NetLint processes Visual Studio project files (*.csproj, *.fsproj, etc) and compares files that exist in the project file and the files that actually exist on disk. So if a JavaScript file exists on disk but isn't in the project file, NetLint will throw an exception summarizing this and any other discrepancies.

I also setup NetLint with simple file globbing  functionality, so all files under bin/ and obj/ are ignored by default (you can also do custom patterns). I run NetLint from a unit test, so whenever anyone resolves merge conflicts they will instantaneously know if they missed a file.

The future of NetLint will be a staging ground for testing conventions. I'm licensing it under the MIT license, so hopefully no one should have any reservations due to licensing. I also created a NuGet package to make it even easier to use